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The Second Kingdom

"It has been mere days since I arrived at my post, yet I can feel the weight of history and their labors in every inch of stone. I see now why it was named after the legendary Queen Azeita, for it stands tall and proud, as mighty and indomitable as she was in her time."

Reading time: 2 min.

In the wake of a devastating assault by the beastkin on the first kingdom, the humans knew that they could no longer rely on hope alone to safeguard their borders. And so it was that the second kingdom came into being, a bulwark deeper within Ralador that stood as a stern sentinel between the heart of the human empire and the rest of the world. Bolstered by the scientific breakthroughs of their brethren in the first kingdom, the second kingdom has become a hotbed of military innovation, a crucible in which the latest advances in combat technology are forged. Here, every citizen is trained in the art of warfare, so that they may be ready to take up arms in defense of their kingdom at a moment’s notice. 

The cities of the second kingdom are like great fortresses, bristling with walls and towers that rise high above the bustling streets below. And yet, even within this bastion of martial might, there is division among the nobles. Many of the older families, steeped in the traditions of the first kingdom, have thrown their weight behind the cause of scientific progress. But the newer nobility, hungry for glory and renown, seek to distinguish themselves through feats of great physical prowess and martial skill.


Agrarian Archipelago

The First Kingdom

The Third Kingdom

Mirage Desert

Vasir Mountains

Vedir Mountains

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Vi Mai, Adam Jaskuloski